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Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2015-2016

14th March 2018 

We are pleased to announce that thirteen authoritative articles that make up the Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2015-2016 are now available on Investment Claims.

The Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy is an annual collection of articles exploring current developments in this field, focusing on recent trends and issues in foreign direct investment, investment treaty practice, and investor-state arbitration. The 2015-16 Yearbook is edited by Lisa Sachs and Lise Johnson, both of the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, who head a team of eighteen expert contributors and are supported by an Editorial Committee and an Advisory Board of esteemed global leaders in the field of international investment law.

Several significant themes emerge in the 2015-2016 edition of the Yearbook. Key among them is the undercurrent of change and evolution in investment law and policy, as well as that of investment trends. Articles discuss fundamental shifts in the investment treaty landscape in 2015 and 2016, underscoring the uncertainty over the direction of future agreements and highlighting changes in the practices of multinational enterprises over time.

The theme continues with articles from this edition reviewing emerging understandings regarding the outcomes of treaty disputes, and the ways in which treaties and decisions are shaping government decision-making. There is discussion on how change in international business, including the fragmentation of production and consumption in global value chains, is (or is not) reflected in the design and application of investment treaties. Further coverage is given to change in China, both in terms of China's legal status as a (non)market economy under WTO law, and in how arbitrators have arguably altered longstanding Chinese policies regarding the territorial reach of Chinese treaties.

This collection of articles reflects a maturation of investment law as new analysis highlights the importance of nuance in commonly stated conclusions and principles. Important questions are asked: "what does and should 'equality of the parties' mean in investment law?", for instance, especially when disparate access to resources and information seems to tilt the playing field. What are the implications of the fact that states, considered as one entity for the purpose of responsibility at the international level, often are made up of different relatively autonomous units?

The Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2015-2016 articles provide up-to-date, authoritative information that practitioners can use to understand trends, and to monitor and advise clients regarding FDI regulatory developments. They inform academics, researchers, and government officials of key issues and debates in their field. Investment Claims is delighted to host these prestigious works. 

The Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2015-2016 is also available in print. It is edited by Lisa Sachs, Director of the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, and Lise Johnson, Investment Law and Policy Head at the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment.