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Search all Arbitration and Investment Law Content

April 27, 2015

New feature for users of OUP’s law services online – search across journal, book and online content from a single search page.

We are excited to announce that users can search the full text of all OUP content in a particular legal field – both online content and journal articles – from a single page.

Initially this cross search will launch on Investment Claims, allowing users to see results from Oxford’s arbitration journals next to those from cases, instruments and commentary in the same subject area.

Journals that are now searchable from Investment Claims include:

  • Arbitration International
  • Capital Markets Law Journal
  • ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal
  • Journal of International Dispute Settlement
  • The Journal of World Energy Law & Business
  • Uniform Law Review
  • Journal of International Economic Law

How does it work?

  • Users conducting a quick search on Investment Claims will be presented with two tabs of results. The first represents the usual results that they would have obtained as an Investment Claims user. The second will be labelled 'Extended results', which presents results matching their search query in the full text of Investment Claims content, alongside results from content in the International Commercial Arbitration (ICMA) collection (from the Oxford Legal Research Library, OLRL) and results from the full text of the journals listed above.
  • The 'Extended results' tab is not shown on Browse results, nor on results obtained via an Advanced search.

Access to the content behind the results

  • The user will be able to access the full text of the content behind each result only if they subscribe to the product in which that content is published.
  • The full content will be displayed in its native environment – i.e.  journals content will be served up by the Oxford Journals site for the relevant journal, whereas Investment Claims content will be displayed in the Investment Claims environment, and International Commercial Arbitration content will be displayed in the OLRL or ICMA interfaces.

Narrowing results using filtering

  • At the moment, users are only able to filter results in the Extended results tab to exclude content to which they do not have full text access.
  • In the future, we plan to add additional options, including filtering by content type and by product (including by individual journal).
  • Note also that a user who has already used filters to narrow results from Investment Claims before clicking on the Extended results tab will lose those refinements if they later click back to the previous tab

Extension of this feature to other Law sites

  • In the coming months, we plan to extend this to other subject areas, starting with our Public International Law content and rolling out to our Competition, Constitutional, Private International, Finance and Banking, and International Commercial Law collections in due course.